Wasserman explained why the SVO fighters were angry because of Kirkorov’s arrival in Donbass

Wasserman explained why the SVO fighters were angry because of Kirkorov’s arrival in Donbass


“We don’t need your cock concerts here.”

Philip Kirkorov’s sudden trip to Gorlovka came as a surprise to many. Including for our military. Some fighters have already spoken out against the arrival of the King of Pop to new regions of Russia. “We don’t need your cock concerts here,” they said categorically, inviting Philip to take up weapons and armor protection. The famous polymath and State Duma deputy Anatoly Wasserman explained why the military was angry because of Kirkorov’s visit to Gorlovka.

“The attitude towards Kirkorov, even in peacetime, was very complex and ambiguous,” says Wasserman. “That’s why not everyone liked his visit. This, in fact, was understandable. I also did not expect his trip to Donbass, although I was not surprised. But if Kirkorov made someone happy there, then that’s good.

In Donbass, Philip had a busy schedule: he visited the hospital where our military is recovering, and also visited a children’s center, where he talked with little pupils. Kirkorov did not come to them empty-handed: he handed out expensive gifts.

“Kirkorov went to Donbass, like all other actors and singers, to express his solidarity with the special operation,” Wasserman is sure. – Show: no matter what he does in everyday life, he is with the country.

“I know that he is now being strongly criticized for this very naked party,” continues Anatoly Alexandrovich. “Personally, I don’t see anything so catastrophic in this very party.” In the end, people who constantly bare their souls (and the craft of an actor is half the bareness of their souls) can easily afford to bare their bodies, without seeing anything terrible in it. The stupidity was that they advertised this action, not realizing that most people look at it with completely different eyes. But, be that as it may, this does not affect Kirkorov’s attitude towards other aspects of society.


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