“They will only win”: the producer voiced the main advantage of the boycott of Kirkorov and Lolita in Russia

“They will only win”: the producer voiced the main advantage of the boycott of Kirkorov and Lolita in Russia


Sergei Lavrov voiced a non-trivial opinion

The boycott of Kirkorov, Lolita and other stars who participated in the “naked party” is being actively discussed. The artists were left not only without television broadcasts, but also without concerts. The organizers refuse to hold their performances. Concert producer Sergei Lavrov voiced the main advantage of what is happening.

“Kirkorov, Lolita and other artists will benefit if they are not shown on TV,” says Lavrov. – The more we see an artist on the screen, the less people go to his concerts. There are actually a lot of examples. Take Alexander Serov: he is rarely seen on screen. But wherever he goes, the hall is full. Yaroslav Evdokimov has a similar situation. It always sells out, despite the fact that it is not shown on TV. Kai Metov was also not shown all these years. But he had a lot of tours, and the halls were full everywhere.

There are also counter-examples,” Lavrov continues. – Kolya Baskov used to collect well. But after it began to be shown frequently on TV, people began to walk worse. Yes, he has many reserves, but not solo areas. People think something like this: “There’s already a lot of it in the box, why pay more money?” Valeria collected two Sports Palaces in the 2010s. Now that there is a lot of it on TV, viewers have started to watch it worse. People must miss the artist.

Therefore, the fact that Kirkorov or Lolita will not be shown on TV will ultimately benefit them, Lavrov is sure. “The same Lola, for all her rudeness, is a good artist, honest. She sings live at 60 years old. And all her overalls are just to surprise the viewer. By the way, I really like her position. Even now, when there is hate, she says: it’s okay, I’ll take care of household chores. This break will benefit them all…


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