“They washed their cars, they cursed at the mayor”: Kiev residents took up arms against Klitschko for the sewer flood

“They washed their cars, they cursed at the mayor”: Kiev residents took up arms against Klitschko for the sewer flood


The flooded metro was supplemented by streets polluted with sewage.

Kiev’s municipal services are bursting at the seams. In the last days of the New Year holidays, the Ukrainian capital was faced with numerous breaks in heating mains and sewer pipes, which caused sewage to flood streets, roads and courtyards with parked cars. Citizens complain about the weak performance of the city administration under the leadership of Mayor Vitali Klitschko

Kyiv utility workers are having a hard time right now. Communication pipes break here and there. Due to a failure of the city heating network, the asphalt collapsed on Academician Zabolotnogo Street, which led to traffic jams. Passage is also difficult on Obolonskaya Street, where a water pipe has broken, and on Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya Street, flows of water have formed a river. But the Kiev residential area of ​​Borshchagovka was hit especially hard, which literally drowned in sewage due to a sewerage break two days ago. “Borshchaga now. If anything, brown is not chocolate. It’s scary to imagine what will happen when everything freezes,” the Telegram channel “Kiev.Glavnoe” describes the situation in the city.

“This is my district,” Kiev resident Nadezhda told MK. “We were simply flooded with feces, and then car owners massively washed their cars of this substance, intensively swearing at our mayor. The people whose cars were hit by this felt very bad.”

– How do Kievans react to what is happening?

– Some people find it funny, but this is a terrible situation. Firstly, this can lead to an outbreak of disease, and secondly, it is difficult to remove because it is frosty. People lost property and how to even move where this happened. This is a catastrophe. City authorities should be responsible for this.

“The pipes are old, but no one replaces them, they just patch and patch them,” complains Kiev resident Yuri. – Why change if then there will be no work. In Kyiv, the metro is leaking, the sewerage is leaking, the asphalt is collapsing, it’s terrible. At the same time, there is a lot of money in the capital and theft is everywhere.”

It seems that soon, due to these problems, Kyiv may be left without a metro. Six stations on the blue line have already been closed, and now the red metro line is also under threat. Water flowed from the ceiling and walls of the Akademgorodok station, which led to damage to the interior decoration of the station. For now, workers are forced to place bottles and rags under leaks in order to somehow avoid puddles. But due to leaks, electrical equipment may also short out, and then the station will fail. Citizens complain that the authorities, knowing about the problem, did not take any action to solve it.

To the communal woes of Kiev residents, one can add periodic power outages that occur due to lack of proper repairs. But the city administration, led by former boxer Vitali Klitschko, seems to care little about the problems of Kiev residents. Instead of modernizing and updating outdated communications, officials decided to purchase brand new glass bus stops for the city, which supposedly could become shelter in the event of an air raid. Which sounds very cynical. However, later officials justified themselves by saying that purchasing bus stops was a planned procedure.

Against the backdrop of these cataclysms, information surfaced in the Ukrainian media about Klitschko’s new real estate, who recently received for use a mansion in the German city of Hamburg, the cost of which is estimated at 227 million hryvnia (about 543 million rubles). After this, the mayor of Kyiv faced a real wave of hatred on social networks. He is called upon to resign and to find a more responsible candidate for the post of mayor. There were, however, those who defend the city mayor.

“He’s a manager,” one Ukrainian online justifies the mayor. – He manages budget funds and gives orders. He should not run around and personally check bridges, subways, and shelters. For this there are advisers, people responsible for specific things.

With the same success, Zelensky can be blamed for the pipe break on Vasylkivska, because he is the president and is responsible for all of Ukraine…”


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