The State Duma proposed to deprive the earnings of the departed stars with an anti-Russian position

The State Duma proposed to deprive the earnings of the departed stars with an anti-Russian position


The head of the State Duma Committee on Culture, Elena Yampolskaya, argues that some stars who left Russia perceive the country as a “food base”. She offered to deprive them of their earnings in the country. Ms. Yampolskaya did not voice a specific mechanism for how to do this, but clarified that it is necessary to “expand the legislative tools”.

The head of the committee came up with this initiative at the plenary session of the State Duma. According to her, in relation to those “who directly support the enemy and renounce their fatherland”, it is necessary “to act systematically, strictly within the legal field.” “If the law does not fully ensure the implementation of measures that, in our opinion, are fair, then it is necessary to expand the legislative toolkit, this is our direct responsibility with you … For the majority of departed stars, Russia is not a homeland, but a food base. So, it is necessary to systematically turn off the power sources, ”she suggested.

Ms. Yampolskaya recalled that foreign agents have already been “deprived of the opportunity to create at public expense,” and now the question of private projects and sites remains. She also noted that civil society is also promptly reacting against those cultural figures from an anti-Russian position who have not yet been recognized as foreign agents. “The example of these whipping boys and grandmothers, their canceled concerts and recapitulation is very indicative and instructive,” said Ms. Yampolskaya.

In mid-January, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin offered to introduce a clause on confiscation of property in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on incitement to extremism, rehabilitation of Nazism or discrediting the armed forces. Head of the Constitutional Committee of the Federation Council Andrei Klishas pointed outthat such changes are impossible without amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Head of the HRC Maxim Fadeev declaredwhich does not support the idea of ​​depriving Russians who criticize their country of their property or citizenship, because this is contrary to the Constitution.

Read more about the discussion in the publication “Kommersant” “Relocation with confiscation”.

Laura Keffer


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