The State Duma introduced amendments on payments to the unborn children of fallen military personnel

The State Duma introduced amendments on payments to the unborn children of fallen military personnel


The working group on the military operation in Ukraine has prepared amendments to take into account unborn children of military personnel when distributing insurance payments to families after their death. This was reported in Telegram channel Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrey Turchak.

We are talking about cases where a deceased serviceman was left with a pregnant wife. Currently, unborn children are not included in the list of recipients of state insurance payments. Insurance benefits must be distributed within 15 days of receipt of the necessary documents, and if the child is not born within this period, he cannot count on payments.

Amendments are being made to the bill on the state insurance procedure, adopted by the State Duma in the first reading.

Following the meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop measures to support the common-law wives of deceased combatants in Ukraine. Now they cannot count on payments after the death of a military man, since their union was not officially registered.

For more information about what happens after the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine, see online broadcasts “Ъ”.


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