The Russians gave their newborn son the name “God is my judge”

The Russians gave their newborn son the name “God is my judge”


In Novosibirsk, parents named their newborn son “God is my judge”

Residents of Novosibirsk named their newborn son a name that translated means “God is my judge,” or in another way – Danila. According to the site VN.ruthe child was born on February 14.

The boy’s father was presented with a birth certificate and a memorable gift. They wished the young father to raise his son as a worthy citizen of Russia.

Danila is a derivative of the name Daniel. This is a masculine name of biblical origin, going back to the Hebrew name Daniel, the personal name of the prophet Daniel.

The literal translation is “God is my judge,” “God is the judge.”

In the Christian tradition, Daniel is one of the most revered Old Testament prophets.


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