The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a procedure for using technical means of monitoring detainees

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a procedure for using technical means of monitoring detainees


They will be warned about their use

The procedure for using technical means of supervision and control in temporary detention centers (IVS) was developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Project order on the approval of this procedure was published on the portal of regulatory legal acts.

The document, in particular, states that all detention centers in which suspects and accused of committing crimes are kept must be equipped with technical equipment included in the list that will be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. We are talking, in particular, about security and alarm systems, and a video surveillance system. In fact, all of the systems listed are still in use today, but there is no clear and universal procedure for their application yet.

In accordance with the document, the territory, buildings and premises of all temporary detention facilities must be equipped with a video surveillance system. Digital video cameras should be installed wherever detainees may appear. The same goes for security and alarm systems. Upon receiving a signal from these systems, the temporary detention center duty officer must establish and eliminate the cause of their operation and report to the head of the detention center.

The document also prescribes the installation of frame metal detectors and intrascopes (devices for baggage inspection), X-ray television installations with tape, designed to detect hidden items, substances and food products that are prohibited for storage and use in temporary detention facilities.

Also, all isolators must be equipped with systems for checking fingerprint information, cameras and voice recorders. Employees must wear dashcams while on duty.

Upon admission to the detention center, detainees will be warned about the use of technical equipment.


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