The ex-husband of actress Ravshana Kurkova came under partial mobilization

The ex-husband of actress Ravshana Kurkova came under partial mobilization


He temporarily suspended creative activity

At the moment, those who have already served and have combat experience are subject to partial mobilization in Russia, and among such people there may even be celebrities. So, the ex-husband of actress Ravshana Kurkova, actor Stas Rumyantsev, said that he had received a summons, and he decided to support Russia in a difficult period.

In a recent publication on his social networks, Rumyantsev urged others not to judge and accept his decision. He explained that now is a “difficult and incomprehensible” time, the situation may be resolved, but it is also possible that this may not happen.

The actor said that he recently received a summons with which he went to the draft board. He clarified that he was a sailor and served on a ship, which was also his choice. As Rumyantsev noted, they are being called up from Moscow to the infantry, namely to the Kantemirovskaya tank division. The actor described it as “a trench, a shovel, a machine gun.”

According to him, not everything has been decided with him yet, and he is waiting for September 28, when the medical board will make a decision. For now, Rumyantsev is waiting and hopes to meet his young daughter in order to “hug her before leaving.” The artist promised that he would return.

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