The doctor named foods that are best not to eat for breakfast

The doctor named foods that are best not to eat for breakfast


Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva: Eliminate these foods from breakfast

Smoked, fried and spicy foods are best avoided for breakfast. Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva told RIA Novosti about this.

Alcohol and lemonade should be completely removed from the morning menu. Even sparkling water will not do any good, says the expert. According to the nutritionist, you can have tea and coffee in the morning, but not immediately after breakfast, but half an hour after eating.

“In the morning you should not overuse canned foods with the addition of vinegar or excess salt,” said Margarita Koroleva.

Scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs can be prepared for breakfast, but without sausage. Instead, her nutritionist recommends adding vegetables and herbs.

The doctor added that breakfast should account for a quarter of all the calories a person consumes per day. Therefore, you can safely cook cereal porridge and eat it with butter. In addition, fermented milk products will be appropriate.


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