The conductor who threw Twix the cat out of the carriage explained her action

The conductor who threw Twix the cat out of the carriage explained her action


The conductor explained why she threw Twix the cat out of the carriage: He looked like a stray

The conductor of the Yekaterinburg-Moscow train, who threw Twix the cat out of the carriage in Kirov, explained her action. The version that the woman voiced during an internal inspection of Russian Railways is published by Baza.

According to the publication, Marina (name changed) said that the train that day stood for a long time at the station in Kirov with the doors open. When the woman saw the cat, she thought that he had simply jumped into the carriage. According to her, this has happened before.

Twix was unkempt and looked like a stray, Marina said. She added that she walked around the carriage and loudly asked all the passengers if this was their cat. However, no one answered her, and she decided to drop off the animal.

The conductor also stated that there was no one at the station to hand over the cat, and she had a lot of work. She knew that among the passengers there were people with carriers, but what kind of animal they were transporting was not indicated.

In addition, an “elite dog” was traveling in the carriage, so its owners were afraid that a stray cat might infect it with something.

According to the conductor, the man transporting the cat did not even complain to her when he learned that Twix “got off” at Kirov station, but simply turned around and left.

The publication writes that the police did not find any corpus delicti in the conductor’s actions and refused to initiate a criminal case.

Today it also became known that the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, intervened in the situation and demanded an investigation into the fact of cruelty to animals.


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