Stas Piekha told how to deal with anxiety

Stas Piekha told how to deal with anxiety


Famous singer Stas Piekha shared the secret of how to usually deal with anxiety. He did it in an interview

The famous said that there is a saying: “treat your head like a bad area – never go there alone.” According to Piekha, this is related to mild forms of psychiatry.

He added that when a person is anxious, it is “important to tell someone else about it, to share the feelings with him.” If the interlocutor treats a person with sympathy and appreciates him, then “he will talk about your feelings, and will not impose his point of view.”

The worst thing for him in a state of anxiety is “to be isolated from society, and that people always help him first.” In this case, he comes to his relatives and communicates with them “on a variety of topics.”

Earlier, the psychologist told “MK”, how to calm a child during a period of partial mobilization. It is noted that it is simply impossible for a child to abstract from what is happening. As a result, some young Russians develop anxiety and fear.


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