Russians compared the outgoing year 2023 with the previous one

Russians compared the outgoing year 2023 with the previous one


For a quarter of Russians, the outgoing year 2023 turned out to be better than the previous one

According to the results of a survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, 25% of Russians say that for them personally, 2023 was better than the previous one. The same number of respondents answered that it would be worse, and 46% saw no difference for themselves between 2022 and 2023.

The door-to-door survey was conducted from December 8 to 10 in 53 regions, and 1,500 adult citizens of the country took part in it.

A year ago, the same survey revealed that 40% of respondents considered 2022 personally worse than the previous year.

For Russia, 2023 was more successful than 2022, 23% of respondents are convinced. 28% of respondents think that the year was worse for the country, 41% think it was about the same nationwide.

The indicators were different a year ago: 57% then believed that 2022 was worse for Russia than the previous one.


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