Roskosmos: the skin of the Soyuz MS-22 could be damaged due to a micrometeorite

Roskosmos: the skin of the Soyuz MS-22 could be damaged due to a micrometeorite


Damage to the outer skin of the instrument and assembly compartment of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft docked to the ISS could have occurred due to a micrometeorite hitting the radiator, said Sergey Krikalev, executive director of Roscosmos for manned space programs. transmits TASS.

“The cause of the leak may be a micrometeorite entering the radiator, the possible consequences are changes in the thermal regime of the Soyuz spacecraft’s instrument-aggregate compartment,” he said.

There were no other changes in the work of the ship and the station, nothing threatens the crew, Krikalev added.

Due to a leak that occurred today, canceled for the second time, Russian cosmonauts Sergei Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin went into outer space, who were supposed to prepare the radiator for transfer by the ERA manipulator from the Rassvet module and install it on the Nauka module.

The Russian cosmonauts were originally supposed to carry out these works on November 25, but then the spacewalk was thwarted due to the detected abnormal operation of pumps in the cooling system of one of the spacesuits.


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