Residents of one of the Russian cities named their son Vladimir-Putin

Residents of one of the Russian cities named their son Vladimir-Putin


Residents of one of the Russian cities named their son in honor of the President of Russia

Nizhnevartovsk resident Goshgar Piriev named his son in honor of the Russian president. The child has a double name – Vladimir-Putin. So they registered him in the registry office.

The man explained his unusual choice of names by saying that he wants to contribute to ensuring that the country remembers longer the president, who did a lot for Russia.

Vladimir Putin was born on February 9. The guy is growing strong – weight 4 kilograms 100 grams, height 56 ​​centimeters.

According to the parents, they did not think about a political career for their descendant. Father Goshgar said that he would be glad if his son became a doctor.


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