Rare mutation: a chihuahua in Moscow has grown a claw on its thigh

Rare mutation: a chihuahua in Moscow has grown a claw on its thigh


The reasons for this tissue replacement are still unclear

A Chihuahua with an unusual mutation was admitted to a Soviet veterinary hospital. A real claw has grown on the thigh of a small dog.

As MK learned, some time ago a Chihuahua named Alex was brought to an appointment with a veterinary specialist. The surprised owners asked the doctor to explain the unusual changes in the pet’s appearance from a scientific point of view. An ordinary claw grew right on the skin of the dog’s thigh.

The owners said that they first noticed that a swelling had formed on Alex’s paw. The veterinarian tentatively assumed that it was papilloma and recommended monitoring her condition. As a result, the “papilloma” turned out to be a dormant claw embryo. The extra claw “hatched” and grew right before the eyes of the owners.

Photo: Moskomvet

This case is unique – the reasons for such tissue replacement have been little studied in veterinary medicine. Presumably, the transformation of hair follicles into claws can occur under the influence of external factors, stress, decreased immunity, and mutations.

The veterinarian decided to remove the mysterious formation. The specialist performed a complete resection of the claw, and Alex turned back into a normal dog without any anomalies.


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