Prilepin, who became a lieutenant colonel, told when he would go to the NVO

Prilepin, who became a lieutenant colonel, told when he would go to the NVO


“The amendment comes a month or two ahead of the expected”

For the third month, the famous writer Zakhar Prilepin continues treatment after the terrorist attack in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The other day, the writer and current officer of the Russian Guard, who survived the assassination attempt on May 6, was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel. In early August, Prilepin confirmed the offer to head a special-purpose regiment of the Russian Guard. This regiment will be armed with its own artillery and heavy equipment, including tanks for combat missions on the front lines in the NVO zone. Zakhar Prilepin spoke about ranks, connections with Wagner, UAV attacks and the progress of the NMD in an interview with MK.

– The new title is an honor and a huge task. The huge turn that Russian history is making poses tough challenges – and we accept them.

– What rank do you dream of reaching in the National Guard?

– Well, let’s be serious: we do not dream of titles, of course. We set the task – to make a battalion: we did it. We set the task – to take the regiment: we undertook. But the only thing that attracts and torments my comrades is to finish the work that has been started. There have been too many funerals of friends and comrades since 2014. As Vokha, the commander of Sparta, once told me: I only care about how I look into the eyes of Arsen Motorola and Bate – Zakharchenko. Exactly.

– The President said that the Wagner technique would not be handed over to anyone… At the same time, rumors circulate that some of the equipment was nevertheless handed over to the state power structures. What did you hear about it?

– I still didn’t have enough to comment on the president. We have a good, working relationship with Wagner. Among the officers of the Oplot regiment (Prilepin is the deputy commander of the regiment – approx. Auth.) There are people from Wagner. Everything that Wagner needs for their tasks – I’m sure they have and will have. Everything we need, we will get. We do a common thing.

How is your rehabilitation going?

– Thanks to the excellent doctors and everyone who prayed for my health. The amendment is still going ahead by a month or two from what was expected. Doctors themselves are surprised at the unprecedented speed of healing of wounds and fractures.

– What to do with attacks from drones on the water and in the air?

– Crush the enemy and break his will. Come to their headquarters and turn the table there. Until then, nothing will stop them. Those who have been involved in this story since 2014 know this for sure.

– How is the SVO going, in your opinion?

– The country is reassembling and re-aware itself. The army is rebuilding and learning at breakneck speed. The rear seeks and finds in itself new, unheard-of possibilities.

This is childbirth. They are still coming.

In any case, we already know five times more than we did a year, two, three years ago. For any, God forbid, conflict of a global order, we have increased our preparedness at times. The world has witnessed not only a number of our failures, but also obvious breakthroughs: both technical and concerning the qualities of the Russian soldier. As in all other times, the Russian soldier learns on the go and fights with inhuman courage and visual dashing. We have received tens of thousands of military professionals, whom we did not have and could not have had just yesterday.

Then there is the issue of economic resilience. Something suggests that here, too, Russia has shown its unexpected qualities and hidden resources.

If the unprecedented assistance to the West to Ukraine was reduced by at least half, Kyiv would have lost within a day. All thinking people understand this.

They are kept like parsley on a prop. The support will be removed – and that’s it. End of the show.


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