Lokomotiv won the third match of the series with Traktor

Lokomotiv won the third match of the series with Traktor


Yaroslavl “Lokomotiv” was able to defeat Chelyabinsk “Traktor”. And strengthened its leadership position in the playoff series.

The Railwaymen opened the scoring in the first period. Egor Averin, fed by Rafikov and Sergeev, successfully struck the Traktor goal in the third minute of the match.

In the second period, Georgy Ivanov, with the help of Sergeev and Rafikov, scored another goal against Traktor. And only in the third period the home team scored a prestige goal, removing the goalkeeper and converting the majority

The score in the match is 1-2. The series score is 3-0. Lokomotiv must win only one game to reach the Gagarin Cup final.

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