Leonid Yakubovich wrote poems for the birthday of a tube of toothpaste

Leonid Yakubovich wrote poems for the birthday of a tube of toothpaste


“He is beautiful! He is desired! Decoration he bathroom!

The famous actor and TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich has many different hobbies, and one of them is versification. Leonid Arkadyevich gives preference to humorous poems (but usually with serious overtones), fortunately, there are enough reasons for them.

Almost every day of the year is, among other things, the “International Day” of some trifle, which does not pass Yakubovich’s attention. He has many “Danish” poems. So, for example, May 22 is the birthday of a tube of toothpaste, which Yakubovich wrote about.

That’s God’s fantasy!
Where are you, enthusiasts?
birthday today
A tube of pasta!

And you don’t have to be fantastic
All those who are very tongue-tied,
Shut up! What a shame!
The tube is still more important than the paste,
How embarrassing for you!

That’s patience and hard work
They say it’s all over!
And try with a tooth
Squeeze the paste out of the tube!

And then gently
Push it back!
Pasta, we know this clearly
She needs a toothbrush!

Tube, listen carefully
He is independent!
He is beautiful! He is desired!
He bathroom decoration!

He’s in a glass
And beckons you!
No, of course, pasta right away
You can smear something!
Maybe teeth, maybe a mouth,
You can neck and stomach,
You can mother-in-law, you can back,
Maybe someone’s car!

The tube is another matter!
stainless body,
Lid! She can always
Turn back and forth!

Well, in short, no offense,
We are stronger in appearance!
As they say, by clothes
We are stretching our legs!

If you are richly dressed
You look like an MP!
For a minister, for a lawyer!
Oh, what? To the financier!

You could put on “Brioni”
So, you are someone’s son!
If you are dressed imposingly,
What’s inside doesn’t matter!

Appearance matters the most!
Even if you are nothing!
If you are a scoundrel and a thief,
Old rotten fly agaric,
If you are a fool,
Nothing, it will do!
Even if an idiot
Who in Brioni will sort it out?

You look decent
Amazing! Great!
Visible to all in the world –
You’re like a tube in the toilet!
Conclusion: the main tube, as you wish!
Pasta is filler!
Tube! That’s the whole answer!
Are you a tuber or not?


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