Lena Lenina called for the abolition of fines for defecation in public places

Lena Lenina called for the abolition of fines for defecation in public places


“Why are people worse than dogs?”

Writer and socialite Lena Lenina became concerned about the fate of Alexei Panin, who defecated in a public place in Estonia, in front of the brothel workers. For this, the drunken brawl of the actor, against whom a criminal case was opened in Russia for justifying terrorism, was even briefly detained by the police.

“How many times, driving along the roads of Europe, have I seen how Western drivers stop on the side of the road and, without any embarrassment, relieve themselves,” Lena Lenina told MK. “After all, this is natural, why go to the police for this, like Alexei, or branded throughout the country like poor Nastya. I went small, no big deal. Made it big, take it with you and no problem. After the dogs, the owners remove the excrement into bags. And in civilized countries there are such bags on every corner. Why are people worse than dogs? Let’s put distributors of bags so that the authors of surprises can clean up after themselves. And there is no need to punish anyone.”

Let us remember that Anastasia Volochkova was the first to defend the freedom to relieve herself under the Christmas tree on her country property when a neighbor sued her because the ballerina did it in front of her windows in front of her teenage son.


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