In France, a couple who sheltered 160 cats was sentenced

In France, a couple who sheltered 160 cats was sentenced


Media: in France, a married couple who sheltered 160 cats was sentenced

A court in France has sentenced a couple who kept 160 cats and seven dogs in their apartment.

How reports Channel8, the reason for the attention of the security forces was complaints from the spouses’ neighbors. Arriving at the house, law enforcement officers found 159 dehydrated, emaciated cats with parasites and injuries. The bodies of at least two cats and two puppies were also found.

The Nice Criminal Court said the man and woman were “guilty of the crime of leaving animals in danger, given their extremely poor state of health.” The 68-year-old animal owner herself said at the trial that she “does not intend to give up.”

“It’s like telling a woman she won’t have any more children,” the woman said. She explained the condition of the animals and the unfavorable conditions of their detention as “temporary difficulties.”

The couple were eventually evicted from their home due to accumulated rent debts of eight thousand euros. The court sentenced them to a year of suspended imprisonment and a fine of 15 thousand euros.


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