Flowers planted in the wrong way at the dacha can now be replanted

Flowers planted in the wrong way at the dacha can now be replanted


Deputy Gavrilov: growing morning glory tricolor faces imprisonment for up to two years

Russian State Duma deputy Sergei Gavrilov warned summer residents that growing morning glory tricolor could result in liability under the Criminal Code of up to two years in prison.

From now on, it is no longer possible to grow the multi-colored garden flower Ipomoea tricolor on a plot of land. Grandma-dacha owners love to plant it along fences, the parliamentarian noted. “If the number of morning glory on the site exceeds 100 loaches, then this is classified as a crime,” Gavrilov warned. And storing or receiving 3 grams of morning glory seeds is considered a criminal offense. Because of this, you can be imprisoned for up to 2 years.

Responsibility is provided, as Gavrilov indicated, for failure to take measures to destroy wild drug-containing plants.

Morning glory tricolor multiplies quickly. The plant is very similar to field bindweed, “grows everywhere like a weed.” It turns out that the substances contained in its seeds are hallucinogenic and narcotic.

Recently the government expanded the list narcotic plantssubject to control in our country. So, morning glory tricolor, turbine corymbose and harmala have been added to the list.


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