Experts: Russia will be one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists

Experts: Russia will be one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists


Experts: the number of Chinese tourists in Russia will return to pre-pandemic levels in 2024

Russia will be one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists, and Russian business needs to be prepared for this, said Asel Smolyar, coordinator of the Travel Hub project of the Commonwealth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS, expert of the Russian-Chinese Committee for Peace, Friendship and Development, at the round table “Russian-Chinese tourism: what is business preparing for in 2024?

According to her, the market has changed, and the Russian travel industry needs to adapt to new formats for promoting services in the Chinese market. According to forecasts, in 2024, about 170 million Chinese will go abroad for holidays, and this number will grow by 5% every year.

“The Russian tourism industry needs to understand that the “portrait of the Chinese tourist” has changed, and it will be necessary to apply new approaches to attract them. First of all, we need to adapt to the online booking market,” said Smolyar.

According to her, the online travel market will primarily focus on youth, content and digitization, while “digital lifestyle” habits on the demand side will drive the digital transformation of tourism.

Executive Director of the Russian-Chinese Committee of Friendship, Peace and Development Yulia Kapranova noted that in 2023 the number of tourists from China to the Russian Federation will be around half a million, while before the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2019 there were more than a million. In her opinion, the 2019 indicators can be achieved as early as 2024.


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