Colleges and technical schools will compete for leadership

Colleges and technical schools will compete for leadership


The Ministry of Education has drawn up the rules for forming the rating

The rules for forming a national rating of institutions providing secondary vocational education were compiled by the Ministry of Education of Russia. The draft government decree defining these rules has been submitted for public discussion on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

The authors of the document note that compiling a national ranking will help identify the leaders of the secondary vocational education system – both in industries and in regions and throughout the country. It will also facilitate the integration of educational organizations with industrial partners.

The criteria for assessing the activities of educational institutions will be the same for all organizations, regardless of what professions they teach. There will be four of them in total. The first is the level of the average salary of graduates. The average will be calculated over the three years since their first day of work after graduation. The second is the level of employment, that is, the ratio of the number of employed people and the total number of graduates of an educational organization. The third criterion will be the results of students’ participation in championships of professional excellence and creative competitions in various types of arts, co-organized or organized by the Ministry of Education. Finally, the fourth criterion is the results of the state final certification.

Organizations will be ranked based on the final rating score, which will be calculated separately for each criterion. The calculation methodology will be developed by the National Rating Expert Council, which will be formed three months after the signing of the resolution.


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