Chinese scientists have documented the effect of computer games on the increased risk of male impotence

Chinese scientists have documented the effect of computer games on the increased risk of male impotence


Spending leisure time in computer games is a controversial thing from all sides. This leads to many problems: from weight gain to problems with the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Chinese scientists have added another risk to this list, related to the intimate sphere. Researchers say that every 1-2 hours of playing video games can triple the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Researchers in China studied more than 200 thousand men while they were engaged in some kind of leisure activity. The team measured the participants’ sex hormones and also assessed how depressed and anxious they felt. The results were published in the journal Andrology.

It has been found that every 1-2 hours spent playing video games on the computer triples the risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). The scientists added that there was “no evidence that watching TV or driving” increases the likelihood of ED, suggesting that the problem is not simply a matter of sitting.

The study found that computer use was associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in participants’ blood, which stimulates ejaculate production.

The authors note: “The present study provided substantial evidence of a positive causal relationship between computer use and the risk of erectile dysfunction. However, a definitive causal relationship must be established through further research.”

The researchers did not specify what kind of leisure time participants engaged in on the computer, although previous research has shown that men who regularly watch adult films may be more likely to develop ED, as further unrealistic expectations of the process reduce interest in sexual intercourse with real women.

The researchers studied 223,805 men aged 40 to 69, the majority of whom (217,630) were controls.

They then measured levels of testosterone and FSH, as well as other hormones such as prolactin and luteinizing hormone (LH), as well as levels of depression and anxiety.

Spending 1-2 hours of free time at the computer is associated with a 3.5-fold increase in the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. However, traveling or watching TV did not make participants more likely to develop ED.

The researchers found that the participants had lower levels of FSH, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that affects the function of women’s ovaries or men’s testicles. In tandem with testosterone, FSH stimulates and maintains sperm production.

In addition to erectile dysfunction, low FSH levels are associated with decreased libido, infertility, and low energy levels.

The researchers noted that the study had several limitations, including assessing only men ages 40 to 69, even though ED is most common in people over 70. Additionally, it was not clear how severe the ED was: “Therefore, one could only conclude that the longer the time spent on the computer, the more likely it was to experience ED, but the risk of developing a specific type of ED or the severity of ED could not be determined.” .

Erectile dysfunction is very common: it currently affects about 30 million men in the United States—nearly double what it was in the early 2000s.

Research shows that the number of men seeking treatment for this condition has increased sharply in recent years. The rise is linked to rising rates of obesity, poor mental health and excessive pornography viewing.

For many, it is a short-term condition caused by factors such as daily stress, alcohol or fatigue, but some may experience it for a long period of time due to physical or emotional problems or a combination of these.


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