Advanced training courses for sambo coaches have started in Cheboksary

Advanced training courses for sambo coaches have started in Cheboksary


They take place on the basis of ChSPU named after. AND I. Yakovlev as part of the continuation of the implementation of the all-Russian project “Sambo to school” in all municipal districts of Chuvashia.

The duration of the courses will be 72 hours, they will be completed by 30 physical education teachers and trainers at municipal and republican sports and secondary schools in Chuvashia. Practical classes will be held on the basis of the specialized Republican Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 10 named after. A.I. Trofimova

The Minister of Sports of the Republic Vasily Petrov recalled that with the assistance of the Head of Chuvashia, gyms appeared in ten municipal schools in the region where children can practice sambo. But the issue of qualified coaching personnel does not lose its relevance.


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