A week of fight against glaucoma has started in Russia

A week of fight against glaucoma has started in Russia


According to doctors, in the world now from 60 to 105 million people suffer from glaucoma – an eye disease associated with an increase in intraocular pressure, which can lead to destruction of the retina and optic nerve. By 2040, the number of people diagnosed with glaucoma could rise to 112 million.

Glaucoma Awareness Week has started in Russia today, within the framework of which various events will be held aimed at informing people about how to stop the development of the disease at an early stage, how people who already have glaucoma can slow down the development of the disease and not lose their sight forever.

According to Svetlana Kapkova, head of the ophthalmology department with the laser surgery room of the Federal Medical and Biomedical Center. A. I. Burnazyan of Russia, glaucoma is a severe progressive disease in which intraocular pressure constantly or periodically increases. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in visual acuity, death of the nerve fibers of the retina and optic nerve.

— Treatment of glaucoma should take into account the impact on all links of pathogenesis: neuroprotection, blood supply to the optic nerve and retina, intraocular pressure. And to guarantee confidence in the effectiveness and safety for the doctor and the patient,” says Svetlana Kapkova. – Glaucoma remains the main cause of irreversible blindness, which is primarily due to the late diagnosis of the disease. If detected at an early stage with the right treatment, 90% of cases of optic nerve atrophy and blindness in glaucoma can be avoided.

Doctors name several risk factors that can lead to the development of glaucoma in a person: firstly, hereditary – they are associated with the presence of blood relatives in a person who have been diagnosed with this disease. Secondly, age – after forty years, the risk of developing glaucoma increases, so it is worth checking your eyesight with doctors every six months or a year. Thirdly, the presence of side diseases – cataracts, farsightedness or myopia. Fourth, work on the night shift or in poor lighting conditions.

“It often happens that people do not notice a deterioration in vision in one eye, since the other eye compensates for this deficiency,” says ophthalmologist Elena Svetlova. – If symptoms such as the appearance of rainbow circles around the light source, the disappearance of the clarity of contours when viewing various objects, the appearance of a “grid” in front of the eye, the need for frequent changes of glasses, headaches, mainly in the superciliary arches and temporal regions, should be as soon as possible see a doctor.

The main goal of the fight against glaucoma is the preservation of the visual functions of the patient. According to Ivan Shchukin, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogov, glaucoma damages not only the fibers of the optic nerve, but also the lateral geniculate body and the visual cortex.

“Drugs that can normalize intraocular pressure should ensure a normal outflow of intraocular fluid and protect the optic nerve,” says Ivan Shchukin. This will keep your eyesight for years to come.

What measures are recommended to be taken to reduce the risk of developing glaucoma and vision loss.

  1. Timely and regularly undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist after 40 years. When prescribing treatment, strictly follow its protocol.
  2. During the examination, check not only the level of intraocular pressure, but also the state of the intraocular nerve and the level of blood flow. Ophthalmologists in the polyclinic can refer patients to specialized glaucoma centers.
  3. At least once a year, monitor the dynamics of all three indicators and consult a doctor in a timely manner if they worsen. In this case, the ophthalmologist will adjust the treatment.

Mona Platonov.

Photo by Moskovskaya Pravda


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