“$550 in 90 minutes”: ex-lawyer began to telepathically communicate with animals

“$550 in 90 minutes”: ex-lawyer began to telepathically communicate with animals


In the West, psychics are now gaining popularity who can discuss problems with animals and “convey important messages.” American Nikki Vascones is one of them. She told how she left her job as a lawyer and began telepathically communicating with her dog. Vascones now earns $550 per 90-minute session and has more than 7,600 clients on her waiting list.

Nikki Vascones of Pennsylvania was working as a real estate attorney when she decided in September 2020 to learn how to communicate with animals. She learned about this practice through a friend. After reading a series of books on this topic, the 34-year-old woman was able to teach herself to talk to animals – and quickly turned her new hobby into a thriving business.

“I started practicing for free on the pets of family and friends and strangers,” Nikki Vascones told The New York Post in 2022. “But as soon as I created accounts on social networks, people began to follow me, and soon orders began to pour in.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Vascones also runs a school that helps teach people how to talk to their pets using “telepathy.”

The ex-lawyer claims she can have a “direct conversation” with a pet, “receiving images or thoughts in her mind,” thus helping to resolve behavioral problems and identify diseases that even veterinarians could not identify during her sessions.

“I talked to dogs, cats, turtles, horses, cows and pigs. “I not only understand what animals say, but I also feel them,” the psychic shared her story with the Wall Street Journal.

According to Vascones, communicating with animals is not a “gift” she was born with, but rather a “skill” she learned at age 28.

Nikki explained that the first step to learning to socialize with pets is to maintain a healthy lifestyle: “Learning this area is just 10 percent skill and 90 percent impact of your lifestyle.”

According to Vascones, animal communication involves telepathic, nonverbal dialogue with the pet. She describes the process of receiving images, thoughts and feelings, likening it to a two-way conversation, similar to human interaction. The psychic advises setting a goal to contact the animal, closing your eyes and observing the thoughts and images that come to mind.

During a typical session, Vascones sits in a quiet room in her home and studies a photograph of the animal, her practice described to the Daily Mail. She telepathically asks the animal a series of questions and records them, as well as the animal’s “answers”, so that owners can learn about the pet’s problems and thoughts.

The psychic prefers not to know too many details about the animal so that her “human brain” does not interfere with the flow of messages. To work, she needs to see the animal’s eyes in the photograph and know the pet’s name, gender and the names of the people with whom it lives.

She added that an “energy shutdown” after she has finished interacting is “very important” to avoid the animal’s “feelings” and “emotions” throughout the day.

According to Nikki, there are three main reasons why people come to her. First, it’s because the animal has a “behavioral problem” and the owner “wants to know they can help solve the problem.” Secondly, after the death of the animal, the owner wants closure or to ensure that the pet “was not in pain.” And thirdly, when the owner is simply curious about how he can “improve the life of his animal in some way.”

Vascones said she once interacted with a dog named Dexter who was “having problems with another dog in the house.” The two puppies were “attacking each other.” A week after the session, she learned from the owner that the problem had been miraculously resolved.

“The owner said that the day I did the session, Dexter was completely different. He never attacked another dog,” Vascones shared her story with the publication.

The psychic also claims to talk to animals that have died – and such requests make up about half of her work.

“Of the pets I’ve talked to, they never get upset or angry or hold a grudge. In my experience, they were happy and free,” she explained.

Despite his success, Vascones admits to facing criticism and negative comments online. But she is “focused on the positive,” acknowledging that her work may seem unconventional to some. One of the critics is American paranormal investigator Joe Nikkel I am sure that such “psychics” tend to fantasize and “work in exactly the same way as human psychics.”


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