Woman finds after operation inside herself a surgical instrument the size of a plate

Woman finds after operation inside herself a surgical instrument the size of a plate


A woman who suffered from chronic pain for 18 months after a caesarean section was found to have a dinner plate-sized surgical instrument in her abdomen. Writes about it The Guardian.

Alexis’ Retractor, or AWR, was left inside the mother after her baby was born at Oakland City Hospital in 2020.

After an initial investigation into the case, Te Whatu Ora Auckland, formerly of the Auckland District Health Board, said it cared for the patient, who was in her early 20s.

But on Monday, New Zealand Commissioner for Health and Disability Morag McDowell found that Te Whatu Ora Auckland was violating a patient rights code.

“There is significant precedent to conclude that when a foreign object remains inside a patient during surgery, the care is not up to the appropriate standards,” the agency said in a report.

The woman had a planned caesarean section due to concerns about placenta previa.

Alexis’ retractor (AWR), a device used to retract the edges of a wound during surgery, was left in her abdomen after a caesarean section. As a result, the woman suffered from chronic abdominal pain until the device was accidentally discovered on a CT scan of the abdomen.”

The very large AWR, “the size of a dinner plate” and designed to retract incisions up to 17 cm in diameter, was not detected by x-rays.


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