Vasily Utkin has long been at risk: the doctor explained the cause of the journalist’s death

Vasily Utkin has long been at risk: the doctor explained the cause of the journalist’s death


After the death of a person, we often hear the word “thrombus” – that’s why doctors named the reason for the death of the legendary football commentator Vasily Utkin: PE: pulmonary embolism (the same blood clot). MK looked into how and why these killers appear, who they threaten the most and whether they can be prevented.

Pulmonary embolism is one of the common diagnoses in pathological reports. This is a blockage of the artery supplying blood to the lungs, the cause of which in most cases is deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. With such a terrible diagnosis, there is a constant risk of a blood clot breaking off, which can enter any of the arteries with the blood flow. And then the matter may end in myocardial infarction (in the case of migration of a blood clot into the vessels of the heart); ischemic stroke (if a blood clot enters a cerebral artery), gangrene (if it rushes into the vessels of the extremities) or vessels of the lungs (then pulmonary embolism will develop, which most often ends in death).

“If a blood clot primarily occurs in the veins of the legs (venous thrombosis), then the detached blood clot enters the pulmonary arteries. The resulting thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries causes severe cardiopulmonary failure, which often leads to death,” an expert who wished to remain anonymous told MK.

Venous thromboembolic complications often occur in patients with malignant neoplasms, in patients in trauma and orthopedic hospitals, burn departments; in patients who have suffered cerebrovascular accidents, gynecological operations (including abortion), etc. This is one of the most common hospital complications. But thromboembolic complications often occur in people at home.

PE often causes death in patients with purulent inflammatory processes that occur as complications after many surgical operations, especially in patients with cancer diagnoses.

“With the introduction of new technologies and advances in the treatment of surgical infections, the frequency of infectious and hemorrhagic complications after operations in Russia has decreased, but venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism have taken first place. This allows “surgeons from God” to hide the high mortality rate after their surgical interventions. Most often they say: the cause of the patient’s death is not in my wonderful operation, but in pulmonary embolism, and this is such a fate. Despite the fact that PE occurs against the background of inflammation of the appendix, which develops, for example, due to the poor quality of the sutures of the esophageal-gastric or intestinal anastomosis,” continues our expert.

The main cause of pulmonary embolism, he adds, is blood clots in the deep veins of the pelvis (especially in long-term patients). In addition, such blood clots often occur in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and people who are overweight.

“Subcutaneous varicose veins of the legs are often a scare for patients to encourage them to undergo paid surgery. Deep vein thrombosis can only be detected through special studies, primarily Doppler ultrasound, says our source. — As for Vasily Utkin, as a person with abdominal obesity, he was at high risk not only for the development of thrombosis, but also for a huge number of chronic diseases – at least type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular pathologies. Unfortunately, this form of obesity can only be treated with bariatric surgery; diet and exercise no longer work.”

Thromboembolic complications are not so rare. It is noted that in European countries they kill twice as many people as car accidents, breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDS combined.

In addition to obesity and physical inactivity, risk factors for the development of thrombosis are recent operations, frequent and long air travel, injuries, previous coronavirus infection, insufficient water intake, oral contraceptives, heredity (there is a group of congenital thrombophilias). Taking certain medications can also slow blood flow. At the same time, it is extremely difficult not only for the patient, but even for the doctor to notice the first symptoms of thrombosis. Of course, pain and swelling of the leg may indicate this, but most often they appear already in the advanced stages of the disease.

A blood clot can develop in any person – young and old, healthy and those with a bunch of chronic diseases. And the simplest thing is to prevent its development by regularly visiting doctors and conducting diagnostics. Especially if you are at risk. In addition, a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid many health problems, including thrombosis.


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