Union of Orthodox Journalists: aggressive radicals tried to attack the head of the UOC near the Lavra in Kyiv

Union of Orthodox Journalists: aggressive radicals tried to attack the head of the UOC near the Lavra in Kyiv


Union of Orthodox Journalists: aggressive radicals tried to attack the head of the UOC near the Lavra in Kyiv

An attempt was made to attack the primate of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Onufry, as he was leaving the Lavra church in Kyiv. This was reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists of Ukraine (UOJ).

More than ten opponents of the UOC shouted provocative slogans and tried to block the road, first to the clergyman, and then to the car in which they wanted to take him away. The police officers and the guards of the monastery jointly “cut off” the crowd of radicals from the metropolitan.

For a month now, radicals have been preventing UOC priests from holding services in the temples of the Lavra, holding rallies and pickets. The Union of Orthodox Journalists found out who is behind this. People come to the rallies from the office of the European Solidarity party, ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. At the same time, the coordinator of the actions is the deputy of the Kyiv City Council, Yarina Aryeva. This is the daughter of one of the people’s deputies of the Poroshenko party, Vladimir Ariev.


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