Unified State Examination in 2024: schedule, rules, changes

Unified State Examination in 2024: schedule, rules, changes


How the Unified State Exam (USE) will be held: exam schedule, periods, innovations.


In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor dated December 29, 2023, the unified state exam will be held in the early period from March 22 to April 22, in the main period from March 23 to July 1, and in the additional period from September 4 to 23, 2024.

The main period will open with exams in geography, literature and chemistry – May, 23rd. Unified State Exam In Russian scheduled for May 28, for core and basic mathematiciane – on May 31. Exams in compulsory subjects are among the first on the schedule in order to timely issue certificates of secondary general education.

Unified State Exam in computer science and foreign languages (oral and written parts) is carried out in two stages on different days.

The Unified State Examination is held on the same dates in all regions. Exams will begin at 10:00. On the Unified State Exam biology, computer science, literature, mathematics profile level and physics Allotted 3 hours 55 minutes. Exams in history, social studies, Russian language and chemistry will last 3 hours 30 minutes.

On the written part of the exams in foreign languages (except for Chinese) 3 hours 10 minutes are allotted, and geography, basic level mathematics and written part Chinese language – 3 hours. Oral part of the exams in foreign languages (except Chinese) will be 17 minutes, and in Chinese – 14 minutes.

Applications to take the Unified State Exam must be submitted before February 1; the exam date must be selected immediately. Eleventh-graders, those who completed the school program as an external student, college students, and students of foreign schools have the right to take the Unified State Exam early.

The “presidential” reform of the Unified State Examination in 2024 will give graduates right to retake one exam. Rosobrnadzor warns that the results for the first attempt are canceled, even if the examinee received a lower score when retaking the test. “Two-part” exams will have to be retaken in full: it will not be possible to maintain a good grade for the oral or written part.

The main stage of the Unified State Exam

May, 23rd (Thursday) – geography, literature, chemistry;

May 28 (Tuesday) – Russian language;

May 31 (Friday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;

June 4 (Tuesday) – social studies;

June 7 (Friday) – computer science;

June 8 (Saturday) – computer science;

June 10th (Monday) – history, physics;

June 13 (Thursday) – biology, foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French) (written part);

June 17 (Monday) and June 18 (Tuesday) – foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French) (oral part).

Reserve days

The period from June 20 to July 1 is provided for reserve days for the Unified State Exam in all subjects. Graduates of previous years and those who were unable to take the exam on the main days for good reasons, as well as those who received an unsatisfactory score in one of the two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), will be able to take the exam on these days.

June 20 (Thursday) – Russian language;

21st of June (Friday) – geography, literature, physics;

June 24 (Monday) – Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics, Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics;

June 25 (Tuesday) – computer science, social studies, chemistry;

June 26 (Wednesday) – foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French) (oral part), history;

27th of June (Thursday) – biology, foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French) (written part);

July 1 (Monday) – in all academic subjects.

How to find out the results

As a rule, the results of the Unified State Exam become known in seven to ten days. You can find them out on the unified information portal Unified State Exam, at the local education authority, at the registration point or on the State Services website, using your registration number or passport number.

An appeal is possible submit in case of violations of the exam procedure: for example, there were not enough exam forms, drafts were not given out, or it was very noisy. In such cases, you must write a statement without leaving the exam site. The conflict commission will review the video from the cameras and interview observers. No cameras is also a violation. If the commission makes a positive decision, the Unified State Exam will be allowed to be retaken on a reserve day.

You can also file an appeal in case of disagreement with the assigned points. To challenge the assessment, you need to justify your position in the application and submit it within the prescribed period. If the appeal is granted, the commission will again fully check the work, At the same time, points can not only be increased, but also decreased.

Efim Bryantsev


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