Three cancer-causing foods on the New Year’s table have been named

Three cancer-causing foods on the New Year's table have been named


Oncologist Kaprin called on Russians to remove three cancer-causing foods from the New Year’s menu

Three products present in the New Year’s menu of Russians that provoke stomach and intestinal cancer were named by the chief oncologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Kaprin. Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes about this.

According to the doctor, smoked, spicy and fatty foods should be removed or at least reduced in the diet.

It is these three categories of products that significantly increase the risk of developing intestinal and stomach cancer, the doctor noted.

Instead, the specialist advised eating more fruits, vegetables and trying to eat a generally balanced diet so that the body receives the vitamins and minerals it needs on time.


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