The year of the Fireman Horse has come according to the Slavic calendar: what does it promise the Russians

The year of the Fireman Horse has come according to the Slavic calendar: what does it promise the Russians


Many events will happen suddenly

Among Russians, the habit of evaluating future forecasts using the Chinese calendar has become entrenched. People are interested in which animal is the patron of the new year that has come, and what events can be expected in connection with its characteristic features. However, few people know that our ancestors, the Slavs, created their own interannual cycle. Now is the time to turn to him. After all, from March 21, the year of the Fireman Horse begins according to the Slavic calendar. “MK” found out what prospects this horse promises us.

According to the Chinese rule, since February 2023, the Rabbit has been in charge. Do we need such a patron? Often vicious, gluttonous, there is no salvation from his teeth … Maybe, well, this big-eared one? Moreover, now, after March 21, there is an alternative – Horse. Firemane! Yes, not some kind of foreign there – from the Middle Kingdom, but ours – Slavic. Give import substitution!

To understand the situation with the domestic totem and the “bonuses” that it promises us, the MK correspondent was helped by a specialist – family parapsychologist Sergey Pan.

– Let’s start with the fact that the Slavic Horse should not be confused with the Horse present in the Chinese set. The years of these animal symbols do not match. The Slavic calendar has a different cycle. There are not 12 totems, but 16, so their repetition occurs with a frequency of once every 16 years. And the patron animals themselves are different than those of the Chinese. The so-called totem yearbook, compiled long ago by the Slavs, includes the Stinging Hornet, the Fiery Veksha, the Pearly Pike, the Bearded Toad, the Wild Boar, the White Owl, the Hissing Adder, the Curled Hedgehog, the Soaring Eagle…

The change of one totem creature to another, according to the Slavic calendar, occurs during the natural New Year – on the day of the spring equinox. The Fireman Horse “takes duty” from March 21, 2023 and will remain “on duty” until the March equinox of 2024. It replaces the previous totem – Golden-horned Tur. This beast, which is already leaving us, is characterized by its aggressiveness, so that the 2022 that was left behind with its aggravated world contradictions, sometimes solved by openly forceful methods, was actually predictable.

What is important to note is that it is the “horse” year that ends the next 16-year cycle according to the Slavic calendar and a new one begins: the Firemaned Horse is the last of a string of animals chosen by our ancestors as totems for the yearbook. This alone should reinforce the expectation of significant change in the spring of 2024.

The horse is a strong, hardy, hardworking, but sometimes obstinate animal. Therefore, the year he patronizes will require endurance and perseverance from us in achieving our goals. In addition, it is quite clear that the totem, which will continue to patronize people in 2023, is by its nature a swift, sharp beast. So you should not drag out things, take breaks for relaxation unless absolutely necessary, otherwise you may fail. Most likely, under the auspices of the Firemane Steed, many events will occur suddenly, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to make forecasts for a fairly distant future. It is best to tune in internally to readiness for possible surprises – both good and not very good. The upcoming 12-month period should be successful for the Horse’s favorites – people with a creative “zest”. Those who feel this quality in themselves should definitely pay more attention and time in the near future to the things that fascinate them, try to push the routine away from themselves – and then the year of the Fireman Horse that has just come will be their year.


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