The specialist of the Ministry of Health called an alternative to classes in a fitness club that is accessible to most

The specialist of the Ministry of Health called an alternative to classes in a fitness club that is accessible to most


You can keep your body in good shape, keep your weight normal and improve your health with the help of sports walking.

About this in an interview with RIA “FederalPress” told Sergey Tokarev, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for medical prevention in the Ural Federal District.

He called walking “the most accessible form of physical activity.”

The doctor noted that “the benefits of walking are multifaceted”: it has a positive effect “on the whole body, and not just on the legs, as many people think.” In addition, “during the lesson, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are also involved,” Tokarev noted.

At the same time, it is easy for a person to regulate the speed of walking and their duration. Any gadgets that record heart rate, pressure, calories burned, as well as counting the steps taken will help in this.

Some doctors recommend walking even for those who have undergone a serious illness or operation.

One of the popular types of sports walking is Scandinavian. The correct use of special sticks designed for this type of activity allows you to evenly distribute the load on the body and unload the joints. With Nordic walking, about 90% of the muscles are involved, which significantly increases energy expenditure.

Nordic walking strengthens the spine and almost all muscle groups and helps develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At the same time, the doctor recommends taking a short training course before starting classes in order to move as efficiently as possible.


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