The Senate will introduce a resolution allowing the United States to conduct military action against Iran

The Senate will introduce a resolution allowing the United States to conduct military action against Iran


American senator from South Carolina and representative of the Republican Party Lindsey Graham announced his intention to introduce a resolution in Congress that would allow Washington to fight with Israel to deprive Iran of oil revenues.

“If Hezbollah, which is Iran’s proxy force, launches a large-scale attack on Israel, I will consider it an existential threat to the state of Israel. I will introduce a resolution in the Senate that would allow the United States to engage in military action with Israel to drive Iran out of the oil industry.” business. Iran, if you escalate the conflict, we will come after you,” Graham said on NBC.

Asked whether his statement could be taken as a readiness to declare war on Iran, Graham replied: “I am prepared to use military force to defund Hamas and Hezbollah.”


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