The Russian arranged for the Europeans a stream of pouring hot water

The Russian arranged for the Europeans a stream of pouring hot water


On the Twitch platform, an unknown Russian launched stream with hot water. Apparently, he was inspired by his predecessor, who trolled the Europeans with a burning gas burner.

For more than seven hours, he has been showing live how hot water is simply pouring into the bathroom. The streamer decorated the broadcast with the inscriptions From russia with love (“From Russia with love”) and Winter Is Coming (“Winter is coming”). A yellow rubber duck swims in the bathroom, and a bag of Crimean sea salt lies on the edge. The thermometer shows the water temperature +27.1 degrees. The stream is accompanied by domestic military marches.

Its predecessor is eight o’clock mocked above the Europeans, showing a burning gas burner. He noted that he lives alone and pays 1.44 euros per month for gas. The platform eventually blocked his stream.

According to some reports, the gas extravaganza arranged rostovite. He said that Europeans left comments on his stream. They did not show any aggression towards him, but they scolded their government for all the crusts.

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