The reason for the poor tolerance of influenza in men has been revealed

The reason for the poor tolerance of influenza in men has been revealed


Unlike women, men suffer more severely from the flu and experience more severe throat and joint pain, says nutritionist Jenna Hope. Her words are quoted by the Daily Mail.

The doctor explained that this difference in flu tolerance is due to the characteristics of the male body. She explained that testosterone, a male sex hormone, suppresses immune system function, leading to more severe and longer-lasting cold and flu symptoms.

“Men do face more severe consequences of the disease than women,” the nutritionist noted. While the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the female body are much higher, which, according to Hope, gives the female immune system greater resilience.

To strengthen your immune system, Hope recommends getting a flu shot and following a daily routine. In her opinion, a full eight-hour sleep helps the body more effectively protect itself from viruses.


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