The Prosecutor General is asked to check the agreement between Norilsk Nickel and the Norilsk prosecutor’s office

The Prosecutor General is asked to check the agreement between Norilsk Nickel and the Norilsk prosecutor's office


Norilsk social activist Ruslan Abdullaev appealed to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov with a request to check the cooperation agreement concluded by Norilsk Nickel and the Norilsk prosecutor’s office. Mr. Abdullaev himself told Kommersant about this.

The social activist begins his appeal (dated December 13) with statistics of incidents that have recently occurred at the enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group. It then links to the post on the site “Northern city of Norilsk” dated December 1, which refers to an agreement “on interaction and cooperation”, which was signed by a company representative and the Norilsk prosecutor. The agreement, according to the report, is about carrying out “joint preventive measures aimed at reducing injuries, accidents and ensuring environmental safety.”

“There is no information about the above-mentioned agreement on the official sources of the Norilsk Prosecutor’s Office, the Krasnoyarsk Territory Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, which raises the question of the validity of this agreement, whether the information published on the website is false, or whether this information is a PR campaign for the company,” writes Ruslan Abdullaev.

The prosecutor’s office is the body that oversees compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the implementation of laws, the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in accordance with its powers, the social activist notes. “The question arises why the supervisory authority decided to carry out its work precisely by concluding an agreement,” asks Mr. Abdullaev.

The social activist asks to post the text of the agreement in the official sources of the supervisory agency in order to become familiar with the plan of activities developed by the parties, as well as to check the legality and feasibility of signing the document.

It was not possible to immediately obtain a comment from the prosecutor’s office.

Ilya Nikolaev, Novosibirsk


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