The priest debunked a common misconception about Ivan the Terrible

The priest debunked a common misconception about Ivan the Terrible


The Russian Orthodox Church on Monday celebrates the day of remembrance of St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow (1507-1569). According to the life of the saint, he was killed by the head of the guardsmen, Malyuta Skuratov, after he publicly condemned the guardsmen and the mass executions under Ivan the Terrible.

However, the deputy chairman of the diocesan court of Moscow, a member of the synodal commission for the canonization of saints, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, notes that it is impossible to say directly that the murder was done on the orders of Ivan the Terrible.

According to him, an unjust trial was held, after which the metropolitan was defrocked and sent to a monastery. It is believed that the murder was committed by Malyuta Skuratov, who acted as a royal servant, but there are no documents confirming Ivan the Terrible’s order to kill St. Philip. It is assumed that Skuratov himself wanted to please the tsar.


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