The organizers canceled and rescheduled more than 100 concerts after the announcement of partial mobilization

The organizers canceled and rescheduled more than 100 concerts after the announcement of partial mobilization


Over 100 mass events in Russia — festivals, concerts, parties — were canceled or rescheduled from September 19 to 25 (in the middle of this week, as you know, partial mobilization was announced in the Russian Federation). Ticket aggregator Ticketscloud provided such statistics upon request. RBC.

It was estimated that the day after the announcement of partial mobilization, the organizers postponed or canceled 270% more events than usual.

It is noted that this wave of cancellations is lower than after the announcement of a special military special operation in Ukraine on February 24. Then the next day, the deviation from the norm of cancellations and transfers was much higher – 436%.

Based on current data, it is predicted that by the end of the second week of monitoring, the trend will continue and there will be a little more than 200 cancellations and postponements.


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