The Ministry of Transport will receive about 2.3 billion rubles. to subsidize Avtodor – Kommersant

The Ministry of Transport will receive about 2.3 billion rubles.  to subsidize Avtodor - Kommersant


The Russian government will allocate about 2.3 billion rubles to the Ministry of Transport. to subsidize the activities of Avtodor. This follows from orders government. This money, as explained in the order, was allocated “to compensate for the cost of construction resources” so that the department could pay for the work of contractors during the construction of the M-4 Moscow-Don highway (Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov-on-Don-Krasnodar-Novorossiysk). Also, the money will be used to equip a toll road on a section of the M-4 highway in the Rostov region.

“To allocate in 2023 to the Ministry of Transport of Russia, in order to provide the state company Russian Highways, subsidies from the federal budget for organizing the construction and reconstruction of highways of the state company, budgetary appropriations in the amount of 2,296,801.5 thousand rubles,” reads the signed mishustin document.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Transport to exercise control over the spending of the allocated funds. By February 1, 2024, the department must submit a report to the Russian government on the intended use of the allocated money.

Mr. Petushenko at a meeting with the head of the Russian government, which took place on May 10, reported that the Aksai bypass and the Far Western bypass of Krasnodar as part of the M-4 highway, allowing motorists to quickly reach the Black Sea, would open in June. He also announced a number of new projects, the Meridian track and the South-West Chord. The projects are contained in the government road plan until 2027, but the money has been allocated so far only for design.

Read more about the meeting and plans of “Avtodor” – in the material “Kommersant” “The paths have detourned”.

Alexander Kislov


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