The Ministry of Health declared invalid the norm on the procedure for issuing a certificate of gender reassignment

The Ministry of Health declared invalid the norm on the procedure for issuing a certificate of gender reassignment


The Ministry of Health of Russia has declared invalid the order that approves the procedure for issuing a certificate of gender reassignment by a medical organization. Document published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

July 24 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed law prohibiting gender reassignment in Russia. It became possible to perform a sex change operation in the Russian Federation only if there are medical indications. The law also states that in the event of a change of sex by one of the spouses, the marriage will be annulled.

The authors of the law spoke deputies of the State Duma from all five factions, headed by the speaker of the chamber Vyacheslav Volodin. He justified the introduction of a legal ban on gender reassignment by the need to protect the country from the “devilish policy” of the United States, where “these new pseudo-values ​​are being promoted.”

Erdni Kagaltynov


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