The five most penal acts: summer residents were told what not to do in the country

The five most penal acts: summer residents were told what not to do in the country


In order not to become a victim of ignorance of the laws at your own dacha and not get a fine, you need to know exactly what threatens for violating certain norms in private territory. Writes about it 1. Waste burning

Issues related to making fires on the site are regulated by the Fire Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2022 No. 1885. It says that on public lands of settlements, including on the territories of private households, it is impossible to use open fire for cooking outside specially designated and equipped places. The same prohibition applies to the burning of garbage, grass, leaves and other waste, materials or products.

It is possible to make a fire only in containers made of non-combustible material in specially equipped places.

A place specially equipped for this may look like a pit or pit at least 30 cm deep and not more than 1 m in diameter. It can also be a platform with a tank (barrel, barbecue) installed on it, or a container made of other non-combustible materials.

When burning dry grass, branches, foliage and other combustible vegetation on individual land plots of settlements, as well as on garden or garden plots, an equipped place for using open fire should be located at a distance of at least 15 m from buildings, structures and other structures. 2. Landfill of some waste

Even more problems with the law can arise when burying garbage. The fact is that many wastes are slowly decomposing, and even harmful to the ecosystem. Perhaps it will surprise some that this list, along with thermometers, tires and batteries, also includes construction waste, herbicides, treated seeds and some types of manure and bird droppings.

The list of what, according to the law, can be disposed of only in places specially equipped for this, is quite wide. It is much easier to list the types of garbage allowed for burial within the dacha. These are food leftovers, paper, ceramics, raw wood, natural fiber textiles, crop sorting waste and other “harmless” types of waste.

Responsibility for non-compliance with requirements in the field of environmental protection during the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal or disposal of production and consumption waste is prescribed in Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and for citizens in monetary terms is 2,000-7,000 rubles, depending on the nature of the offense . When it comes to officials and companies, the fine is much higher. 3. Tree felling

Of course, we are not talking about old fruit crops from a garden grown with our own hands. You can safely cut them down, and uproot the stumps, but on the condition that neither neighboring nor state property is damaged at this moment. It is quite another thing – “foreign” trees. In particular, if you cut down a neighbor’s plum tree or pear tree, the branches of which hung over your fence, and thereby caused significant damage to its owner, get ready to pay well.

Such an act entails at least a fine of up to 40,000 rubles or the payment of an amount equal to several wages of the guilty person, and at the maximum, it is fraught with arrest and even imprisonment. Significant damage is understood as damage in monetary terms (at least 5,000 rubles), the amount of which can be made up of the cost of not only the neighbor’s crop lost because of you, but also the harmful consequences for the neighbor’s health that arose as a result of your actions.

A more ambiguous situation is with trees growing in a summer cottage, but not related to fruit crops planted on their own. In many regions of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to obtain a so-called logging ticket from the local administration for cutting down plantings, providing certain documents.

If the tree does not belong to valuable species, then you will most likely be allowed to remove it. Another important nuance is that each locality has its own list of plants of valuable species. In it, by the way, there may be Karelian birch, cherry or cherry, pear, oak, spruce, white maple, linden, alder, walnut, common pine, gray poplar, apple tree, ash and many others. 4. Land squatting

It happens that the summer resident got a small plot, and somewhere nearby, supposedly no one needs a fertile field is idle. And so that seemingly ownerless good does not disappear, you can take and break a couple of ridges there. It is possible and impossible. Article 7.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that for unauthorized occupation of a land plot by a citizen who does not have rights to it, this citizen is entitled to a fine in the amount of 1-1.5% of the cadastral value of the illegally occupied plot, but not less than 5,000 rubles. If the cadastral value of the site is not determined, then the fine may double.

If the summer resident “chosen” only a certain part of someone else’s territory, then the fine is calculated in proportion to its area. For officials and legal entities, the responsibility for all of the above is traditionally many times higher. 5. Wasted water

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” dated February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 (as amended on December 29, 2022) allows a summer resident to pump out up to 100 cubic meters of water per day from his own well or small-diameter well for personal needs. A license is required for all groundwater received in excess of the established limit and for commercial purposes, as well as for arrangement within the dacha of an artesian well.

However, not a single household pump is capable of pumping out more than 100 cubic meters of water from the bowels, and the industrial version will flood not only your site, but also several neighboring ones with such an amount. However, one should remember about the liability established in Article 7.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which for citizens is calculated in monetary terms and ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. In case of violation of the conditions stipulated by the license for the use of subsoil, the summer resident will pay a fine in the amount of 2,000-3,000 rubles.


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