The fate of a stubborn raccoon that caused rescuers to be called twice has been revealed.

The fate of a stubborn raccoon that caused rescuers to be called twice has been revealed.


The fate of a stubborn raccoon has been revealed, because of which rescuers were called twice in Krasnodar

The Krasnodar raccoon, for which local residents called rescuers twice, came down from the tree on its own at night. This was reported at the city’s municipal control center.

“The raccoon is no longer in the tree, he got down on his own,” city officials said.

Let us remind you that a raccoon alarmed the residents of the German Village neighborhood the day before. Rescuers responded to calls twice to remove him from the tree. The first time, the animal was picked up by passers-by before their arrival, but then it climbed back into the same place. Arriving at the scene for the second time, the rescuers decided not to touch the raccoon and wait until morning. At night, the raccoon could go down on its own to find a secluded place.


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