The doctor spoke about the main ways to prevent and combat glaucoma

The doctor spoke about the main ways to prevent and combat glaucoma


Every year at the beginning of March, the world celebrates Glaucoma Week (this year from March 10 to 16). Today, glaucoma has become the leading cause of blindness in the world, and throughout the week, experts will remind people, the medical community and public health officials about the dangers of the disease, the importance of detecting it in its early stages, and what new treatment and diagnostic methods have emerged recently. . Glaucoma, which affects more than 1.5 million Russians, is still an incurable disease. However, with adequate treatment, the progression of the disease can be slowed down as much as possible.

The word “glaucoma” is translated from ancient Greek as “blue clouding of the eye.” This pathology refers to a common chronic progressive ophthalmological disease, the development mechanism of which is associated with damage to the optic nerve when the level of intraocular pressure (IOP) increases. Unfortunately, if left untreated or if doctor’s recommendations are not followed, glaucoma leads to the development of irreversible blindness: according to experts, almost every tenth person with this diagnosis loses vision in at least one eye. In Russia, glaucoma has maintained a leading position in the list of causes of visual disability for many years.

It is no coincidence that glaucoma is called the “silent thief of vision”: in the early stages of the disease there are practically no obvious symptoms. With glaucoma, the visual field narrows, like shagreen skin. Visual acuity may not suffer, but by reducing the visual fields, the disease can be detected early. Only a comprehensive examination allows an accurate diagnosis to be made. In order not to miss the onset of the disease and, as a result, to prevent the development of complications, it is important to know about the risk factors and undergo regular examinations with an ophthalmologist.

The main risk factors for the disease have been known for a long time. First of all, it’s age. Starting from the age of 40, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist once every 1.5–2 years, and after 55 years, the likelihood of developing glaucoma increases sharply, so preventive examinations with examination should be carried out annually. Doctors note that the disease can develop even in young people, there are also cases of childhood glaucoma, and the initial signs of glaucoma can only be identified during medical examination. In recent years, glaucoma has become “younger”; young people are increasingly affected by it. Experts note that it is now not uncommon for such a diagnosis to be made at 45 or even 40 years of age. However, the majority of patients with glaucoma are not exactly young people; this disease most often manifests itself after 50–55 years.

Another important risk factor is heredity. If you have family members with glaucoma, your risk of getting this disease increases several times compared to those who do not have a family history.

Glaucoma is much more common in people with moderate to severe myopia (nearsightedness). In addition, risk factors for the development of this disease are the presence of pathologies such as arterial hypotension, diabetes mellitus and obstructive apnea syndrome (sleep apnea).

Since glaucoma remains an incurable disease, the main goal of therapy is not to cure it, but to preserve the patient’s vision for as long as possible. But, since patients do not see quick results from treatment, they, alas, quite often either stop therapy themselves or violate its regimen.

“Glaucoma is a complex disease, both in terms of the mechanism of its development, and in terms of the organization of treatment and its duration,” says an ophthalmologist, head of the glaucoma department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NIIGB named after. MM. Krasnov”, member of the Expert Council on Glaucoma of the All-Russian public organization “Association of Ophthalmologists”, member of the European Glaucoma Society Alexey Antonov. — A common reason for non-compliance with doctor’s prescriptions is that with glaucoma, the goal of therapy, laser and surgical methods is to maintain the current condition and prevent deterioration, and not to achieve a quick tangible effect. At the same time, in order to preserve vision, regular examinations and strict adherence to the treatment regimen are important. Patience and a responsible approach to your health, constant contact with your doctor and support from loved ones are the key points in the fight against glaucoma.”

The main goal in the treatment of glaucoma is to normalize the IOP level. This goal can be achieved in different ways: with the help of drug therapy, laser and surgical treatment methods. It is important to know that the norm of intraocular pressure is individual and cannot always be determined at the first visit to the doctor.

Perhaps the biggest breakthrough in glaucoma therapy in recent times occurred after 1996, and this breakthrough was associated with the advent of a new class of antihypertensive (IOP-lowering) drugs – synthetic analogues of prostaglandin F2 alpha. These are the most effective and pathogenetically justified antihypertensive drugs. The first representative of this group of drugs is latanoprost, which still remains the most prescribed and studied prostaglandin analogue with an optimal balance of effectiveness and safety.

The use of eye drops is the first stage of treatment for glaucoma. Preparations containing brimonidine, a substance that has a hypotensive (lowering IOP level) and neuroprotective (protecting the optic nerve) effect, are widely used. Today, combined drops are actively used, combining several substances, for example, brinzolamide + timolol. They are prescribed in cases where therapy with one active component is insufficient.

Laser treatment can in some cases replace or supplement drops. This effect is designed to improve the permeability of the fluid outflow zone in the eye.

Surgical treatment is required when it is not possible to reduce the IOP level by other means or the disease progresses during therapy. The standard of antiglaucoma surgery is operations that create a new pathway for the outflow of intraocular fluid.

After the operation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the eye, examine the structure and function of the optic nerve and retina, and the level of IOP by a doctor. If necessary, drops can be prescribed again, a laser procedure can be performed, and in some cases, a repeat operation.

How quickly can you go blind with glaucoma? This is individual and depends primarily on the stage at which the disease was detected, how quickly it was possible to select effective therapy and how carefully the patient followed the doctor’s recommendations.

What should the loved ones of a patient with glaucoma do? Find a competent glaucomatologist and help the patient strictly, carefully follow all his recommendations.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29234 dated March 13, 2024

Newspaper headline:
Eye under supervision


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