The doctor spoke about changes in the skin that may be associated with cancer

The doctor spoke about changes in the skin that may be associated with cancer


Dr. Tommy Mitchell spoke about what health problems changes in the skin can report. The words of a specialist leads the portal “Doctor Peter”,

The layers of skin have a unique purpose, Mitchell noted. Changes in the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis give signals about the problems of the body, and sometimes indicate serious diseases.

Rash on chest. Most often, skin rashes are harmless and go away on their own after a few days. But sometimes they indicate pathology. Itching, pain and redness are often added to the rash, that is, we are talking about an allergic or infectious process. In the case of the appearance of “orange peel” on the chest, you should be especially wary: such a rash can be a sign of breast cancer.

seborrheic keratosis. These are pigment spots. As a rule, they are benign and most often appear with age. It is worth contacting a medical facility if there are a lot of spots and they appear quickly, since there is a possibility that a tumor develops in the body.

Armpit dark spots, purple spots, xanthomas (deposition of fat in the form of nodules), as well as itching, are evidence of the development of certain diseases. In rare cases, they can signal the development of a tumor in the human body, therefore, in any case, it is necessary to consult with specialists.


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