The doctor named the main symptoms of iron deficiency

The doctor named the main symptoms of iron deficiency


Weakness and fatigue: doctor Ignatikova named the main symptoms of iron deficiency

How reports Radio Sputnik, general practitioner, nutritionist Elena Ignatikova, in a conversation with journalists, listed the main symptoms that may indicate iron deficiency in the human body.

According to the specialist, a deficiency of this microelement may be indicated by such manifestations as increased fatigue, sensitivity to physical activity, dizziness and headaches.

“You may feel unwell in stuffy rooms, in the subway or shopping centers,… brittle hair and nails, pale skin,” Ignatikova said, adding that in such cases it is necessary to undergo an examination to check the state of health.

The specialist noted that if the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is confirmed, the patient will be prescribed medications.



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