The doctor dispelled a common myth about vitamin deficiency and its effect on the incidence of ARVI

The doctor dispelled a common myth about vitamin deficiency and its effect on the incidence of ARVI


Many people do not fully understand what vitamin deficiency is and associate the increase in the incidence of ARVI with it. Director of the Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, infectious disease doctor Georgy Vikulov spoke about this on air radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

He noted that in the autumn-winter period there is always an increase in the incidence of respiratory infections. It is observed in many regions, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

He also emphasized that residents of large cities cannot have vitamin deficiency.

“For vitamin deficiency, you need to live in the far North, on a very strict diet. A decrease in the consumption of some vitamins can be observed in winter. There is also a deficiency of iron and zinc, which predisposes to respiratory infections and their severe treatment, but this is not vitamin deficiency. This may be temporary hypovitaminosis,” he explained.

According to him, this is easy to compensate for with the right varied diet. Diet variety is very important in winter, since fruits and vegetables at this time of year have less benefits than in summer.

The expert also does not advise prescribing vitamin complexes on your own; it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.


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