The director of the children’s camp where the girl suffered a skull injury was sentenced

The director of the children's camp where the girl suffered a skull injury was sentenced


The culprit was given a suspended sentence

An 8-year-old girl tripped over a root and suffered a severe skull injury at a children’s camp near Moscow. The emergency occurred in the summer of 2022, but only recently the verdict on the director of the health institution, whose carelessness almost led to the tragedy, came into force.

As MK learned, an unpleasant incident occurred in the first shift of the Dubravushka camp, located in the Voskresensky urban district, in a detachment for children 8-9 years old. Little Olya (name changed), having finished second grade, went on vacation with her brother, sister and cousin. After breakfast, the children played on the playground. At some point, Olya suggested running a race, and the children rushed towards the treadmill. But the girl tripped over a tree root, fell and hit her forehead on the metal fence of the path. At some point Olya lost consciousness. There were two counselors in the immediate vicinity of the incident, but they could not prevent the incident. The second-grader was hospitalized and was diagnosed with a “closed craniocerebral injury” and a “frontal bone fracture.” The fall had tragic consequences – after the operation the patient had swelling all over her face, she had to spend a year studying at home and quit playing sports. In addition, according to the mother, the head of the camp contacted her only when the girl was already in the hospital, and tried to blame Olya herself for the incident.

Meanwhile, as investigators established, the DOL administration knew about the problem with the trees. The roots were periodically sprinkled with sand and even uprooted, but apparently several dangerous shoots were overlooked. The pupil ran into one of them. The director did not admit her guilt, but she was still sentenced for providing services that did not meet safety requirements and resulted in serious harm to health. The boss was given a suspended sentence of 2 years and will pay large compensation – the girl’s parents demanded 300 thousand rubles.


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