The “city killer” asteroid flew to its closest distance to Earth in a century

The “city killer” asteroid flew to its closest distance to Earth in a century


Asteroid 2008 OS7 flew to the minimum distance to Earth in a century

Asteroid 2008 OS7 was at its closest distance from Earth in 100 years. If it collided with the planet, it would cause enormous destruction, which is why it is sometimes called the “city killer”, reports

The asteroid is classified as potentially dangerous, but this does not mean that the probability of its collision with the Earth is really high. The distance to it at the time of the “record for a century” approach was seven times greater than the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Astrophysicists say tracking asteroids like 2008 OS7 gives us a better idea of ​​how to respond to space objects heading toward Earth if they appear.


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